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Excellent coating adhesion results shown with carbide rod cemented carbide grades K10F and K06F

Mrz 30, 2023
Hyperion Cemented carbide rod RD SR open tolerance

Hyperion Materials & Technologies and Sinter Sud, part of the Hyperion family, recently received the certificates of qualification of their cemented carbide grades K10F and K06F as suitable for diamond coating. These grades are two of our trusted and proven carbide rod grades.

Cemented carbide grade K10F is a micro grain grade with 10% cobalt with a high hardness and a very high wear resistance. It is suitable for a wide range of milling, boring, and drilling applications in woodworking and in synthetic materials molding.

6% Cobalt grade K06F is suitable for drilling and milling of cast iron, ceramic and plastic composites, and wood as well as drilling steel.

Both grades exhibited excellent adhesion of coating in qualification testing. The tests were conducted with Weber Technologies “WT Ultra-Dia”, a new innovative CVD diamond coating.  This offers new blank possibilities for toolmakers who want to coat their tools with diamond.

Weber Technologies, based in Potsdam, Germany, offers micro- and nanocrystalline high performance coatings for high precision tools.

To obtain the certificates of both grades including the test results, chemical compositions and physical characteristics, you can click to download the documents in the following links:

Sinter Sud K10F Coating Certificate

Sinter Sud K06F Coating Certificate

Request a quote to order carbide rod samples and get started with your testing.

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