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Carbide Grade CR9C Showing Exceptional Corrosion and Cavitation Resistance in Subsea Applications

The harsh environment of subsea drilling poses significant challenges to the energy industry and the toolmakers that serve it. With the high operating costs of subsea platforms and concerns about safety and reliability, the use of reliable, high-performance materials in these environments is paramount.

The research and development team at Hyperion Materials & Technologies was approached to develop material solutions that could reduce significant downtimes that existing tungsten carbide grades were causing in two applications. Applying its extensive materials science and development expertise, Hyperion developed grade CR9C, an exceptional carbide grade with extremely high corrosion, erosion, and cavitation resistance.

Grade CR9C’s material properties and fracture toughness make it an ideal candidate for components that necessitate long tool life and high resistance to corrosion and wear. Hyperion’s ability to manufacture CR9C into complex shapes with tight tolerances ensure a high-performance tool with a long lifespan.

Read more about carbide grade CR9C and how it delivers best-in-class corrosion and cavitation resistance to reduce downtimes for subsea drilling platforms.

Carbide Research and Development