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Carbide Grade Selection

Hyperion Materials & Technologies manufactures a complete range of cemented tungsten carbide for metal cutting saw tips and strip blanks.  See the grade property information below.


Hyperion Grade Grain Size Hardness (HV30) TRS* (N/mm2) Typical Application
DZ05 Extra fine 1910 1710 Nonferrous, clean cutting
AM70 Extra fine 1570 3750 INCONEL®, Duplex stainless steel cutting
H6F Extra fine 1775 3500 Nonferrous, clean cutting
H10F Extra fine 1600 3750 General purpose cutting
H12F Extra fine 1490 3800 General purpose cutting
H15F Extra fine 1380 3900 General purpose cutting
CE05 Fine 1500 1650 Ferrous, continuous cutting
CE14 Fine 1550 1680 Ferrous, impact cutting
S10F Fine 1550 2600 Cast iron cutting
H6N Medium 1600 2200 Ferous, high impact cutting, rough cutting
DH40 Medium 1290 3300 Ferrous, continuous / impact cutting
SM25 Medium 1525 3200 Ferrous, continuous / impact cutting
SMA Medium 1600 1800 Ferrous, continuous / impact cutting
SM35 Medium 1400 2000 Ferrous, continuous / impact cutting
MP40 Medium 1390 2400 Ferrous, continuous / impact cutting

*TRS - transverse rupture strength

All data shown are typical values.

INCONEL is a registered trademark owned by Huntington Alloys Corporation in the US and elsewhere


Your Hyperion salesperson can offer their expertise in selecting the cemented carbide and saw tip or blank best suited to solve your needs.



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