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Tungsten Carbide Grade Data

As the world's leading manufacturer of cemented tungsten carbide, Hyperion Materials & Technologies provides its customers our unique expertise in developing the correct combination of carbide and binding metal powder to optimize your roll application.

Cemented carbides are a range of composite materials, which consist of hard carbide particles bonded together by a metallic binder. Among other properties, the proportion of carbide can vary between 70 and 94% of the total weight of the composite depending on the selected grade.

Tungsten carbide (WC), the hard phase, together with cobalt (Co), the binder phase, forms the basic cemented tungsten carbide structure from which other types of cemented carbide have been developed.

Also, cemented carbides are produced that have the cobalt binder phase alloyed with, or completely replaced by, other metals such as chromium (Cr), nickel (Ni), molybdenum (Mo), or alloys of these elements.

Carbide grades are applied according to performance requirements.

Hyperion composite rolls handle round, square, and hexagonal bars, flat strips, rebars, angles, and tubes. They have a pass life up to 20 times (and in some cases even 40) that of ordinary cast iron rolls.

Our tailor-made solutions for each rolling mill take into account its current requirements and productivity target. Each element of hot rolling demands specific composites to ensure optimal production. Suggested cemented carbide grades are listed below, and Hyperion's expert personnel are always available to make sure the perfect grade is engineered for you.

Physical and Mechanical Properties

Hyperion Grade Composition % by Weight Density (g/cm3) Hardness @ 20ºC
WC Cobalt Binder Mixed Binder HV30 HRA
C10C 90 - 10 14.5 1050 86.7
C15C 85 - 15 14.0 900 85.0
C20C 80 - 20 13.5 800 83.5
C25C 75 - 25 13.0 670 82.5
C30T 70 - 30 12.7 580 81.5
H6T 94 6 - 14.8 1350 90.0

All data shown are typical values.


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