Band Saw Tips

Hyperion Code: BLP / BC
Dimensions: Metric
Description: Standard saw tips designed for use in the manufacturing of cemented carbide-tipped band saw blades. Our saw tips cover the most popular used dimensions, supplied in ball or cylinder form.
Key factors in producing a high quality saw blade
Hyperion Materials & Technologies manufactures cemented carbide saw tips designed for carbide-tipped band saw blades. Our band saw products can be supplied in ball and cylinder form.
- Steel blade body
- Cemented carbide grade selection based on cutting conditions
- Welding and grinding quality
- Geometry of saw tooth
- Coating of finished blade for specific applications.
Saw Tip Type | Diameter (mm) | Diameter (inch) | Standard Cemented Carbide Grades |
Saw Tip Type | Diameter (mm) | Diameter (inch) | Standard Cemented Carbide Grades |
H10F H6F |
Saw Tip Type | Diameter | Length | Standard Cemented Carbide Grades | ||
mm | inch | mm | inch | ||
Saw Tip Type | Diameter | Length | Standard Cemented Carbide Grades | ||
mm | inch | mm | inch | ||
BC | 1.32 1.60 1.98 |
0.052 0.063 0.078 |
2.50 2.16 2.67 |
0.098 0.085 0.105 |
H10F H6F |
Please indicate if coating is required using cobalt or nickel as appropriate.
Surface treatment industry standard: 5 µm +/- 2 µm, 9 µm +/- 3 µm.
Your Hyperion salesperson can offer their expertise in selecting the saw tip best suited to solve your needs.