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Hyperion showcases industry-leading solutions at Grinding Technology Japan 2019

3月 21, 2019
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Hyperion Materials & Technologies showcased its legacy of expertise and innovation by participating in Grinding Technology Japan 2019.

This was the first time a GrindTec trade show was held in Japan, taking place March 18 to 20 at the Makuhari Messe convention center near Toyko. GrindTec is one of the most important shows in the grinding processing industry because companies attend from all over the world to learn about new technologies and how to apply them to create innovative manufacturing solutions.


“GrindTec reinforced our leading position in the market and provided a great opportunity to showcase our passion for working with our partners to develop solutions,” said Kyoko Ebizuka, Sales Manager, Hyperion Japan.

Hyperion highlighted a wide variety of its leading hard- and super-hard materials, including mesh diamond products used for precision grinding applications in the automotive, aerospace and electronics markets. The company also displayed various polycrystalline diamond (PCD), polycrystalline cubic boron nitride (PCBN), micron diamond and carbide products.

Hyperion’s commercial and technical experts interacted with attendees from all over the Asia-Pacific region, offering product knowledge and answering questions. Other highlights of the show included learning about the growth of the industry and new developments in the field.

GrindTec shows attracts hundreds of exhibitors and nearly 20,000 total visitors. The next show will be held March 18 to 21, 2020, in Augsburg, Germany.


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