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Can Making Process Guide

Improve production efficiency with can making guide on optimizing tooling design and process parameters to minimize spoilage by reducing tear-offs and defects.

Reduce Tear-offs & Minimize Can Defects


In can manufacturing, managing spoilage rates is a significant challenge. High tear-off rates and defects can not only increase waste and higher production costs, but also affect the overall efficiency and quality of the manufacturing process. Addressing these challenges requires a deep understanding of the can-making process and the implementation of optimized tooling designs and process parameters. 


Expertise and insights to enhance production efficiency and improve can integrity


Developed by the Can Tooling team at Hyperion Materials & Technologies, the Can Making Process Guide: Reduce Tear-offs & Minimize Defects leverages over 40 years of industry experience to deliver practical solutions to support manufacturers in optimizing production to reduce spoilage due to tear-offs and defects. This comprehensive guide provides an in-depth examination of critical stages in the can-making process, offering actionable strategies to proactively enhance production efficiency and reduce waste.


A row of beer cans moving along a conveyor belt in a production facility, showcasing the can manufacturing process.

A row of beer cans moving along a conveyor belt in a production facility, showcasing the can manufacturing process.


Key topics covered in the guide:


  • Enhancing Tooling Design Process
  • Parameter Optimization Material
  • Handling and Selection Troubleshooting for Common Issues
  • Improving Product Quality


Download the Can Making Process Guide: Reduce Tear-offs & Minimize Defects to access expert strategies and technical insights from Hyperion’s Can Tooling specialists that will help can makers optimize production lines to reduce waste from tear-offs and defects.










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